CandleChristmas Carols

Sunday 22 December 2024

Caledonian Road Methodist Church
at 10.00 am
Led by the Church Stewards

Archway Methodist Church
at 11.00 am
Led by 
Revd Alana Lawrence

Islington Central Methodist Church
at 11.30 am
Led by Revd Emmanuel Aggrey-Ogoe

Camden Town Methodist Church
at 6.00 pm
Led by Revd Lola Brown

A carol is a dancing song and is not limited to Christmas. But although there are carols for most seasonal celebrations, by far the largest group of these songs are Christmas Carols.

Carols by Candlelight has a long tradition in our churches. The use of candles to light the church gives a special atmosphere in which to hear the full story of Christ's coming and sing heartily of that Good News. We sing carols, old and new and hear the Christmas story in services that help to make this a very special evening.

You are sure of a warm welcome to join us.


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Last updated: 04 December 2023