Archway Mission Statement
Archway Methodist Church is a Christian church and its members are committed to the service of God, the community and each other, through the relevant application of Biblical beliefs to contemporary life and living.
We seek to: -
- Offer opportunities for
worship, prayer and fellowship in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
- Share our belief that faith
in Jesus creates real opportunities for positive change in people’s lives.
- Encourage all people to lead
creative and responsible lives through the enabling power of the Holy Spirit.
- Make the presence of God
known within the community through love of our neighbours and service to the
neighbourhood throughout North London.
- Maintain Archway Methodist
Church premises for the use of the Church and community.
- Contribute to sustain of
Methodist work throughout London Boroughs of Camden and Islington and the
London Methodist District.
- Make welcome all people, irrespective of age, race, faith (or no faith), gender or sexual orientation.
Last Updated: 28 February 2049