Welcome to Visitors
Who are we?
Our church consists of a wide range of different people, from all ages and different backgrounds. Whoever you are you are assured a very warm welcome at Archway Methodist Church (AMC).
When to arrive:
If it's your first visit then it's probably best to turn up around 10.45am. If you are driving then you'll need to park in one of the streets near the church (please take note of any local parking restrictions). For directions to reach us please see the bottom of the Archway Methodist Church page.
The Worship Centre is on the first floor; so take the steps to the left of the entrance hall. You'll be greeted on the door by a member our welcoming team who will show you into the church and hand you a hymnbook and a copy the week's notices of forthcoming events. If you want more information about the church please speak with one of the church stewards.
What to wear:
This is easy. Wear whatever you feel comfortable in. We are an informal church and accept people as they are. There is no need to dress up to try and be someone that you're not. Whether you come as a suited businessman or in jeans and T shirt that is fine with us.
What to expect:
For some people going anywhere for the first time can be a bit of a nerve-racking experience. To help avoid any worries here's a quick summary of what you can expect at AMC.
First of all we aren't super-spiritual beings, we all had a 'first day' at church, you'll find we are a friendly bunch, if you don't understand something please simply ask. We start our morning services at 11.00 am and they last about 60 minutes. Our services are very flexible in content. Alongside modern and traditional hymns, prayer, readings from the bible and a talk or sermon you may find a short play, poetry, interactive activities, discussion, film, music.
The talk or sermon based on the reading from the bible is relevant and meaningful to our modern lives.
We finish our meeting around midday and this is followed by Coffee and Conversation which is an opportunity for fellowship with other members of the congregation. All are encouraged to stay for a chat over refreshments.
Once a month our service includes a celebration of Holy Communion (or the Lord's Supper). This is the central act of Christian worship. The Church joyfully celebrates the presence of Christ in its midst. At the Lord's table, we share bread and wine, the tokens of his undying love and food for our earthly pilgrimage. All may take part. Alternatively you may choose to receive a blessing. If you have any questions please speak with the minister or one of the stewards.
Our aim is that whether you are just looking into Christianity for the first time or have been a Christian for many years that you should be encouraged and inspired by the morning. We hope that everyone will draw closer to God.
What we believe:
We are a Christian church and believe that all can have relationship with God. We believe this relationship with God is possible because of Jesus (God's only son) who invites us to follow him. If you are interested in exploring the Christian faith then please come along on a Sunday or email us to ask for a free welcome booklet. The Methodist Church web site has more information about what makes Methodism distinctive.
Is it just Sundays?
Absolutely not! God is with us all week long and we aim to lead lives pleasing to him. We're not perfect and we do make mistakes, but we desire to make a positive difference in everything we do. We encourage everyone into personal prayer, regular Bible study and devotion. To further encourage us we have a monthly house group where aim to look deeper into our faith.
Last Updated: 22 January 2021