Bitesized BibleThe Bitesized Bible

14 November 2021

MicahThe first thing the Book of Micah does is to identify Moresheth - or Moresheth Gath to be precise - as the Prophet’s hometown.  Translated from Hebrew as something close to “Inheritors of the wine press”, understanding the main agricultural industry of the area should not prove difficult.  Being born amongst what one assumes to be a vineyard environment, Micah lived outside the national centres of power, underpinning Micah’s concern for the less fortunate - a point reflected in Micah 4:6.  As a result, Micah’s prophecy was aimed at powerful leaders.  Particularly those of Samaria and Jerusalem, the capital cities of Israel and Judah - see Micah 1:1.

Micah, a contemporary of Isaiah and Hosea, prophesied during the fall of Israel to the Assyrian Empire in around 722 BC, as predicted in Micah 1:6.  Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah in Judah, were specific targets, demonstrating that Israel was self-destructing through unfaithful leadership, with Judah roller-coasting through an alternating good king, evil king routine. Despite this backdrop, Micah provides one of the Old Testament’s most pertinent prophecies about Jesus Christ’s birth - some seven hundred years before it happened in Bethlehem.  Micah also alludes to Christ’s eternal nature.  Micah chapter 5, verse 2, is key as it suggests Bethlehem as the place from which the one whose “Greatness will reach to the ends of the Earth”, will come!  Thus prophesied in Micah, is the world’s future under the reign of the Prince of Peace.  A reign characterized by the presence of many nations living with one another in peace and security.

Talking of predictions, Micah’s focus’ on two.  They are judgment on Israel and Judah, and the restoration of God’s people in a future kingdom - a sort of fear and hope mix that wraps the final sequence of Micah as a drama that sees God’s people on trial.  Yes we are guilty, but the sentence against humanity is the forgiveness of sins and a salvation promise.  Basically, an eternal hope in the eternal God.

In Christ, Micah’s plea for God’s first born people, becomes the plea now answered for all people who repent and want to know Christ as Saviour.  As Micah 6:8 reminds us today: live, as God desires—“to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with our God”.  AMEN!

The image I have given for Micah, comes from a quartet I painted about the history of Israel.  The turbulent waters give way to calm, as the people move from the nature of self to the promise of God - the God of Israel, the God of all creation.


© 2020 David Hollingsworth 




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Last Updated: 15 November 2021